Zhena’s new book, Love in Detail, is a call to action for all of us to live our Love in Detail, on earth—right now.

Through her own brush with death, and an examination of Near Death Experiences, Zhena uncovers the truth of our nature—that we as humans are made of love and will return to love and yet have somehow forgotten this key fact of our existence. Through humor, stories, social commentary and spiritual exploration, you’ll learn how to live the love you are, here, now.

We are waking up in a world that needs awakening. Love in Detail teaches us how to slow down, realize our divinity, and see earth as our sacred playground—all of which will help us to create a world in which we can preserve nature, connect to each other, and create new possibilities in consciousness.

Through realizing our true nature—that we are divine beings here to learn human lessons—we are called forth to take action in empowered, sacred ways in our daily lives. Love in Detail shows us the way.

Life on earth is love, in detail, and you are here to experience and share yours with the world now.

What’s your Love, in Detail?