6 Questions – A Morning Ritual for Busy Couples

My husband and I are pretty chill about Valentine’s Day. We aren’t “box of chocolate” chill, but we don’t spend a bunch of money or do anything too out of the ordinary. A daily love ritual is more important to us, instead of playing catch up (like cramming for a test!) on V-Day, we attempt to take sacred space for each other a few minutes or hours at a time, primarily through 3 simple questions we ask each other every day. 

  • What are you most excited about today?
  • Is anything making you stressed or feel worried?
  • Would you like help or feedback on anything? 

Then if we have time, I’ll ask him some “coaching” questions (I know, I’ve too gotten that–never coach your mate, but…)

  • How do you feel about your schedule today as it relates to your big life goals?
  • Is there anything you’ve got on your calendar that isn’t necessary (just busy?)?
  • What would you do today if you had all the money, support and freedom in the world? (how can we make THAT happen!?)

While having this morning interaction, we are able to set a tone for the day–helping each other gauge and adjust before the day actually gets going. We don’t do it every single day (today he meditated while I worked on my novel, cup of Coconut Chai in hand!), but we do it often enough to feel that we’ve got each other’s goals in mind and heart. We’re both ambitious when it comes to how we want to live–free, joyful, in a natural environment with no pollution…and taking an ongoing interest in our very busy individual lives, helps bring us closer–instead of ships “passing in the night” we become lighthouses for one another to safely land.

I hope this is helpful to you, I’d love to hear about your own rituals and what you do for Valentine’s Day in the comments below! We learn from one another 🙂 and I love learning with you here!

If you have a friend you think would benefit, share if you care!