Project the Life You Want On the Screen of Your Mind

Project the Life You Want On the Screen of Your Mind

Law of Attraction Expert and Entrepreneur, Natalie Ledwell, had an epiphany after watching Rhonda Byrne’s The Secret. Something had finally clicked. Running multiple businesses with her husband Glen and still unable to pay the bills, Natalie knew something was missing…

“My biggest take away from that, was when you know where you want to end up and you can see that repeatedly in your mind and feel the emotions of already living that life, already having that successful business, you don’t need to know the whole plan. You don’t need to know every step, just what the first step is and then the next.” ~Natalie

About this time, good friend of Natalie and her husband Glen’s, Ryan Higgins, had come up with this concept of a moving vision board and shared it with them. Natalie and Glen just knew there was something magical to even this “rough” initial version of a Mind Movie. They all worked together to make this concept of Mind Movies easy and accessible to the masses.

What are Mind Movies?

Mind Movies are a movie version of a vision board with pictures, affirmations, and music personalized for you. The team put up a site about this new concept and began getting emails from people with stories of how this concept was changing their lives. The hobby then turned into a full-blown business. Learning Internet marketing, the team invested $2,000 dollars and made $6,000 back from just their first four emails.

Joining a marketing mastermind and absorbing all the information they could, Ryan, Natalie, and Glen launched Mind Movies and saw massive success despite some setbacks. Due to server and technical issues, the first day of the launch was somewhat of a disaster. The team still made $100,000 in the first hour of the launch! Now, that shows the power of vision!

Reaching over 2.1 million people, Mind Movies has now expanded into multiple products. The team has begun work on a project in Colombia- a children’s version of Mind Movies, with a goal to reach 10,000 underprivileged children there.

So, what truly fuels attracting your desires?

Whatever is a vibrational match to the frequency you are sending out gets attracted back to you. Like attracts like. We have to get passionate about what we “Do Want,” rather than what we do not want.

How do you get out of “stress” mode and stay in your vision?

“When we were particularly stressed, we would leave the apartment, get a coffee, we would go down to the dog beach because we knew how important it was for us to change our state, to change our vibration and get out of that stressful, negative vortex.”

To break up with “stress mode,” change your state – your vibration. @natalie_ledwell @MindMovies1@mistressoftea

3 Steps:

       1) Change your state

       2) See yourself achieving success in present tense (visualize with others whenever possible)

       3) Watch your Mind Movie for an extra boost of power

Natalie has personally used these steps to manifest many things including the new talk show Wake Up. Wake Up is a show for women by women on alternative health, entrepreneurship, and connection. If you missed that post, check it out here:…wake-up

This week’s episode of Change Maker can be found on Audio Play.It here:
How to create positive change in your life with co-creator, Law of Attraction expert, and entrepreneur Natalie Ledwell.

With 6 businesses, Natalie was still struggling to pay the bills. She realized she was missing something. The harder she worked, the less money she seemed to have. Sound familiar? And then she discovered the film: The Secret, and became a student of the Law of Attraction. Within a year, she was running a multi-million dollar business with her husband. How’d she do it? Find out in this episode of Change Maker!

Or check out Change Maker on iTunes here:

Visit to download your 6 Free Mind Movies and give it a try for yourself!

If you have a friend you think would benefit, share if you care!