The Age of Wise Women

Initiations-Transitions-Rituals While I thought this five-week Mom-Daughter trip was about me showing Mia the world, it has revealed itself as an initiation of my own. This journey has shown me that I am now stepping into the role of wise woman. My child is only 9-years-old, and a beauty. In each country we’ve traveled, she’sRead More

Turn off Doubt Turn on Light

You only get to be you once

  Who were you when you first came to earth? What code did you carry in your soul to unlock your earthbound lessons? What are you here to do and who are you here to be? These questions come up a lot for me. Daily really. I think about the nature of existence quite aRead More

Clear the Decks

Clear The Decks

I once dated a very rich, powerful, and dynamic man who had a lot of women falling over him. He’d fly private, travel the globe, return to our little town, and spoil me with fancy dinners and exotic gifts. You’re probably wondering what this has to do with holistic, creative success and conscious business butRead More

Thomas Fire

The Sun Rises Strong Over Ojai

A reflection on the generous spirit of humanity in the wake of the Thomas Fire. To find resources and ways to help, visit      


Fill Your Brain with Beauty

  Get into your happy place. Imagine a garden filled with flowers. Hummingbird? Check. Bees? Check. A gorgeous lover awaiting you with a cup of tea and a cozy blanket, check. Tree leaves catching shimmer in late Fall sunshine. Check. You cuddle up with a journal and your favorite pen of all time—finally, to write, reflect,Read More


Everything you need? Inside.

Imagine this… You have $25 million dollars in the bank (but you never use it because money has become obsolete) You’re completely healthy and there’s no such thing as climate change. Bees are healthy. There are no such things as pesticides. Cancer has been eradicated with a natural medicine and there are no side effects.Read More


The Mind-Body-Spirit of Success: What Are Your Non-Negotiables?

I was once engaged to a romantic, handsome, wealthy, poetry-writing man. It was the early days of the tea company, and I had little in the way of resources. I’d get a poem and a plane ticket on a Friday afternoon in my inbox. He’d take me to Hawaii on a whim. He’d secretly payRead More

Success is in the Details

Success is in the Details

  When I feel like I’m not sure of my next move, I have a practice I call Love in Detail (which is also my next book). I will take notice of all the details around me, bring awareness to the love that is inherently found in my point of view, breath, and then takeRead More

Being a Mother to Others

Some thoughts on being a mother to others. A blog post from Bali. (and the result of three cups of Bali Coffee.) *** “We’re eating noodle soup in Taipei, see you this afternoon!” Butterflies hit my belly like leaves in wind—strong, soft, tangled. Poignancy is a word that could replace pregnancy, as it sums upRead More